
Provide Direction

A renewed focus on practical and effective leadership when you need to quickly improve results has the potential to reshape and transform the future of your business – and, help it to achieve its potential.


Results vs. Potential

A lot of companies appear successful at first glance.  They might be growing, even profitable.  They seem to have a sense of where they are going and how they are getting there – at least on the surface.  But interestingly, when you dig further, some of those companies are actually falling short of achieving their potential.  Yes – they have good products/services.  Yes – they have satisfied customers.  Yes – they have market share.

Comparing current results to potential is a key indicator of long-term success.

But here’s the critical question: how far have they gone toward achieving their potential?  In other words, how much revenue should they generate?  How profitable should they be?  How much market share should they have?


Signs that a company is adrift and possibly falling short of its potential – even if it’s currently making money – include:
  • Mixed or even poor financial results.
  • Revenue and/or market share lagging behind the market and/or competitors.
  • Communication issues – both inside and outside of the business.
  • The team just doesn’t work together as well as before.
  • Leaders starting to question what they are doing and why the results just aren’t better.

Are You Leading – From the Bridge?

Leaders of companies in this situation – even if they have been successful in the past – often find that they are spending too much time working “in the business” and not enough time working “on the business.”  They are immersed in the details.  Leadership may have lost sight of the bigger picture and is focused on the tactical and not on the strategic direction of the business.
There are lots of reasons why the leader is “working in the engine room and not on the bridge.”  The company may have experienced explosive growth.  The complexity of the business may have increased.  The leader may have decided to focus on new opportunities or just be spending more time away from the business.  While the reasons vary, the bottom line is the same – there is not enough of a focus on leading the day-to-day operations of the business.

Your Crew Wants Answers

Everyone on your team – to one extent or another – is looking to your, as their leader, for the answers to the basic questions about why the company exists and where it is going.  Those companies that consistently achieve great results and go on to realize more of their potential, have leaders who understand and focus on providing practical and effective day-to-day leadership.

The Bottom Line: Everything Rises and Falls on Your Leadership.

Leadership is the one thing you can’t delegate.  Either exercise it – or abdicate it.

Interim Leadership

Our Goal:

Encourage and assist you – as a business leader – to Pinpoint Your Destination and get you where you want to go by helping you Plot Your Course (with business plans) and Provide Direction (with practical leadership).
We come alongside you – as a business leader – and assist you in implementing the practical and effective leadership tools that will lead to the long-term success of your business so that it realizes more of its potential.

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